Monday, January 30, 2012

Englewood - "The Corporation"

Here we go again....Of course my beloved neighborhood is the headline of so many newspapers, blogs, youtube videos and as quiet as kept even with all the negative publicity our neighborhood is one of the biggest corporations in the city.  

You know the area as a crime infested, poverty stricken war zone….Well I call this place home and even as the headlines hit the news I am still keeping my head up high with the vision of transforming this place for the better…Of course I cannot do this alone and I am not even going to try to attempt that…But I can keep letting my voice be heard in order to tell another story….

Over the last six months Englewood has probably been mentioned over 100 times in the news…We recently had a horrible shooting 1 block from my house at Church’s chicken, Englewood was recently labeled as one of the most dangerous areas in the city who had an increase in murders….while the rest of the city murder rates decreased….Ok that doesn't add up to me but let's keep moving
Courtesy of Aysha Butler at Church's Chicken

What kills me about all these reports is the fact that soooooo many people are eating and making a living simply off of our degradation.  The stats show we have the highest unemployment rates, but there are over 100,000 people working for "Englewood-The Corporation"…So I ask....Who works for this Corporation?  The Pastors, Social Agencies, Non-For-Profits, the Police??  It damn sure isn’t the residents or our youth…Just read the stats....

If the youth and residents are not employed, why would folks expect them to care about valuing our community or life for that matter? None of these Employees of Englewood - "The Corporation" who are getting paid the big bucks value it, so why would the people/customers of this corporation care??

Although we are viewed as one of the most violent areas of the city, our neighborhood is safe enough for 300 churches, over 100 agencies, additional charter schools, and even a city college…Our schools are failing but there are over 500 Non-for-profits “servicing” our students and families??? Come on now....This is NOT adding up! Now the mayor wants to bring 100 new cops on board to "Englewood-The Corporation"…Which everyone knows this will only increase the arrest rates of young people and pissed off the criminals even more…It will truly be a war zone if these rookie cops are not strategic and come around harassing these fools who can careless about being locked up or dead…

When will this corporation failed like Enron? When would public and private investors folks start pulling out there "stocks" in the corporation and really invest in the people who are truly working for CHANGE?  Our neighborhood imperfections has  become the key money makers that feed many of the families of Beverly, Auburn Gresham, Oak Lawn, River Forest, Hyde Park, Lincoln Park and whole bunch of others…

We are only a month into 2012 and already we have had proposed schools actions, over 5 people killed, a ward remap war (see above), some paid protestors running around town, and a new commander who quietly slipped in at the 7th district.  So yes things are messy....

Courtesy of Chicago Tribune 7th District Commander Leo Schmitz
However, in the midst of this mess, the Englewood Community Action Council (which I C0-Chair with resident/educator Tesha Dickerson) hosted an emotional yet inspiring story circle with the teachers, students and parents of Stagg elementary school which was graciously facilitated by Naomi Davis, we hosted an Englewood Education Empowerment Summit for parents...
Englewood Education Empowerment Summit
Englewood Education Empowerment Summit
I facilitated a Docs & Dialogue session showcasing "A War For Your Soul" with Sister’s Peak an all-girl mentor group at D.S. Wentworth Elementary School that includes mentors such as Robin Robinson and other prominent women....
RAGE hosted our public meeting to brainstorm and discuss a resident driven neighborhood safety plan, I recently served as a panelist with Senator Mattie Hunter and other stakeholders to discuss an action plan to also address the issues in Englewood and attended a host of other uplifting events.  These are the types of things that keep me moving and keep my head held high…Not this nonsense corporate B.S....

R.A.G.E Members Alieon Brooks, President Aysha Butler and Michael Johnson
Photo Courtesy of WBEZ - Chicago Public Radio
Our association R.A.G.E. continues to work hard for positive change, regardless of what happens here....So when I hear folks trying to critic the work of R.A.G.E, I just laughed because we are not paid or hired by "Englewood-The Corporation" and do not have to justify any of our efforts to anyone...We had a fabulous year in 2011 and is diligently working to get more residents involved in our movement....I am asking all my readers and blog followers, to not let the news reports think that Peace, Harmony, Cooperation, and Love is absent from Englewood....because it's not....
R.A.G.E Holiday Party
R.A.G.E Holiday Party

R.A.G.E Holiday Party

R.A.G.E Holiday Party
Black Star Community PTA
Say it Loud I Read and I'm Proud
Black Star Community PTA
Say it Loud I Read and I'm Proud

Black Star Community PTA
Say it Loud I Read and I'm Proud

Englewood Community Cultural Planning Council
Englewood Arts Festival
Wentworth Elementary School

Englewood Education Empowerment Summit

Englewood Education Empowerment Summit

Englewood Education Empowerment Summit

Unfortunately these stories are not as sensational or sexy as a murder on one of the blocks, but I am here to tell you PEACE is PRESENT! You will definitely hear more GREAT things from R.A.G.E., the Englewood Community Action Council, Englewood Community Cultural Planning Council, the Kusanya Cafe, collaborations and alliances with the other resident groups in the various wards and much much more....Just wait and see....I promise you more of these stories from Englewood will be heard loud & clear! Stay on the lookout & as always TAKE ACTION to CREATE the life you truly desire!!!